Important Notices


Important information for travelers entering Japan from overseas [Animal Quarantine Service, MAFF]

Currently, there are outbreaks of domestic animal diseases (African Swine fever, Foot and mouth disease and Avian influenza etc.) in many countries, and as it is difficult to obtain an inspection certificate for souvenirs and items for personal consumption, most meat products and animal products cannot be brought into Japan.

Please be aware that bringing in items illegally will be subject to penalties.
(Imprisonment of 3 years or less or a fine of 1 million yen or less will be imposed.)

Items that are banned or suspended from being imported and items without an inspection certificate cannot be brought in, even if they are vacuum-packed, even if they have been heated processed and even if they have been purchased at a duty-free store.

Bring animal products into Japan

- who have visited a farm, or been in contact with livestock within the last week or plan to come into contact with livestock in Japan within the next week
- who have shoes or clothes contaminated with soil such as golf shoes
should go to Animal Quarantine counter in the baggage claim area.
